Mindhub Coding Academy

Essentials & Other Services

MindHub is a network of innovative coding schools for kids and teens between the ages of 6 – 15 years old. We believe that coding is a very crucial skill requirement for the 21st century and we aim at preparing our students to pursue a successful career path using the skills they acquire with MindHub Academy.
Our methodology is project-oriented and is based, not only on coding, but enhanced understanding of the concepts through visual imaging and block programming, experiencing art through coding, enhancing mathematical and grammatical skills and learning by experience and skill enhancement through a continuous learning based environment.
Programming helps kids to develop 8 of the 12 key skills which guarantee them a successful career in the future.

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Creativity
  3. Teamwork
  4. Agility and adaptability
  5. Taking initiative
  6. Productivity and a sense of responsibility
  7. Information literacy
  8. Technical literacy skills.


Email:  mh.nairobi@mindhub.co.ke

Website: www.mindhub.co.ke

Location: New wing, fourth floor

  • Second Floor New Wing
  • + 254 741 113 788
  • Weekdays; 10.00 am to 6.30 pm - Weekends and Public holidays 10.00 am to 5.00 pm

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