Welcome to Kashco Interiors, a newly established home furnishing store located in the heart of Village Market. Our store is dedicated to providing you with a range of furniture, floorings, and textiles to meet your interior design needs and elevate the style of your space.
We pride ourselves on offering high-quality products to exceed our clients’ expectations, with our newest range of curtains. Our team of experienced professionals are committed to provide exceptional customer service and assist clients in enhancing their space. We invite you to visit our branch, making it the go-to store for all your home furnishings needs.
Location: First Floor Old Wing – Near DTB Bank / Carrefour (Opposite Hi Kitchen)
Shop Manager: Zahoor Ahmad + 254 736 804785 +254-115715531 +254-114964072
Email: kashcointeriors@gmail.com
Website: kashcointeriors.com